Backwards clock is an analog clock that runs counterclockwise as opposed to clockwise. The font, style, and size are adjustable. The clock will also display the time in twenty-one different time zones. The clock can chime on the hour.
1. Access the Map Control Panel in the Control Panels Folder.
a. Enter the name of your city or the name of a major city that is in your same time zone and press the find button.
b. After you have found a city that is in your time zone press the set button. Pressing the set button tells your Macintosh the location of your machine.
c. You may now close the Map Control Panel.
d. You only have to access the Map Control Panel once.
2. Launch Backwards Clock.
a. File Menu
I. Sound
Select to turn off. Checkmark indicates that sound is on.
II. Quit
Select to quit.
b. Edit Menu
c. Special Menu
I. Font
Change the display font.
II. Style
Change the font style.
III. Size
Change the font size.
d. Location Menu
Select the location that you want to display the time for.
This program is Freeware. If you like it you should send some E-Mail to me at KevinB67 on AOL. Any person or persons wishing to redistribute this program for a profit MUST gain written permission from me, the author, beforhand. Redistributed
copies of this program must be distributed with all files, including this one.